How to cope with living in a sexist country?

For context i live in the middle east & the amount of daily sexism is unbearable and everyday i wish i was born a male, istg 99% of my problems would be completely gone, this country is living in medieval times and its mostly from culture + religion + ignorance, i know western countries may have some sexism but its NOWHERE near the middle eastern type of sexism, its like having to cover ur body from head to toe, living with ur parents till ur married (applies to women only) like even if the woman was 30+ she is not capable of living on her own and need a man (husband or father or brother), also women can’t travel alone without a man (its a cultural thing not by law)

Also when driving on the roads they treat you like an incompetent person driving and always stare or try to avoid driving or walking near u thinking the woman is gonna crash into them lol either that or they tailgate ur car once they see ur a woman its so weird but i think its a KSA thing because they allowed women to drive just in 2018 LOL, men in this country still think women are incapable of driving

And even the religion supports the idea that women have half a brain and way less than a man mentally! and physically

Also having a curfew by ur parents or the husband to be home early even as an adult woman

And domestic violence is so unbelievably common, happened to me by my older brother who is in his thirties and he started to abuse me mentally and physically, he beat me once so bad that i almost fainted, i called the domestic violence hotline and it was the most unhelpful thing ever they literally dont do shit but try to calm u down thats it,

Lastly, these were just few things but theres way more other things that feels so dehumanizing and they treat u like an incompetent dumb weak person just because ur not a male, feels like slavery without exaggeration its such a hell to live in and i’m not joking when i say it makes me suicidal i truly wanna leave this shitty life for men to enjoy bc i hate it so much,

i wish i was born a male or not born at all💔