What's your opinion of the far southern/southeastern side of Winston Salem (south of I-40/Silas Creek Parkway and along and east of Ebert Road - not quite to Hanes Mall- with the city limits being the other two boundaries)?

Over the holidays, as I'm reminiscing on times that I used to spend in this area when I had relatives there decades ago (as in the 1980's and 1990's) before they passed. I travel through this area occasionally and it feels somewhat different than it used to back then when that was part of my weekly (at least) jaunt. But since I'm not there that often, I wanted to get some opinions from those who are.

How has it changed and how do you see it changing in the future? Do you think this area has been on the upswing or downswing? What direction do you think the area is headed? Is it getting better or worse?

I hear more opinions on the Southside being the area more immediately south of downtown, such as Waughtown Street, but not quite as much on this area. Some significant road names include Ebert Road, Old Salisbury Road, the lower part of Peters Creek Parkway (south of Silas Creek Parkway), the lower part of South Main Street, the southernmost part of US 52 in W-S, East Clemmonsville Road (and a small part of W. Clemmonsville Rd.), Old Lexington Road, and Thomasville Road (the Easton area). If you were to draw a clock and interlay Winston-Salem on a map, it would be the area roughly between 4 and 7 o'clock outside of the center of the core.

I have my own perceptions, but I don't want to share those at this point because I don't want to influence anyone else's opinion.

I'm not looking at moving there, but I ask out of academic curiosity to hear what you all think, especially those who have been in the area a good while? Thanks!