Tomorrow will be 16 years
I'm feeling incredibly lonely much more so than before because I was rushed to the ICU vascular unit and now I have a quote unquote condition that requires medication which exhausts me and I wonder if there's anywhere on earth that I can feel safe. I always felt safety was an issue but not as badly as now that I am what they call ill even though I still have all my wits about me and I can walk on my own and do everything on my own as long as I don't raise my blood pressure and my pulse rate. So I guess I'd say I'm frightened. And I feel like crying and I don't have anyone to cry with. I've been reaching out to my old friends from high school so many of them are dead now as we are all 80 or over... I wish I could meet a nice fellow and just have some good company. Thank you for reading. 😭😭😭♥️