Newbie getting razor burns
I thought to get away from cartridge razors and give safety razor a try so I got a Merkur 34C that was recommended to me and a wet shaving kit.
The issue is that after my first shave my entire face was red, not just in places but everywhere, like my skin was scraped. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but what?
My angle was between 30-40, and I read not to apply pressure but to let the weight do the work. However when I do that I feel a lot of resistance and it doesn't seem like the blade's shaving anything. I tried several different blades (BIC, Gillette) thinking the ones I had weren't sharp enough and gave it another go but didn't seem to make much of a difference.
What would you say is the most common mistake people who shaved with cartridge razors their whole life tend to make and what are some things I could try?