I finally decided to quit & walk out of that place! I got so fed up & tired of the horrible hostile work environment, nasty petty highschool attitudes and drama coming from cashiers and supervisors . Considering many Yelp reviews customers feel the same/similar I almost completed 1 year but from the beginning I noticed multiple flaws with the way things are being run. I have prior experience in managing a store as well as cashiers. It seems like supervisors & leaders upfront are more concerned about making friends with their team than actually doing their job.

The amount of discrimination and hostility I had to endure was by far upsetting. Why I am set different performance standards than other scheduled cashiers , we are doing the same job are we not? Discipline is unequal , I’ve been talked to about things others do all the time but nothing is ever said to other cashiers that always seem to wander around and never stay on register. What are the unifying factors? Is it because they have worked longer there than I have so there’s familiarity there.?  Those unfair practices elevate less competent people over those who are more competent . This causes many employees or team members to resent their leaders and supervisors and it leads to increased organizational conflict , less job satisfaction, & less loyalty across all above. It also discourages healthy competition and hard work.  If working hard doesn’t net you any benefit , why should anyone work harder ? It just signals to the rest of the team that the team leaders honestly don’t have the skills required to lead a team effectively nor do they have their best interest at heart because why is it acceptable to lower certain standards for certain team members. It makes them untrustworthy and difficult to respect their leadership decisions and the longer bad team members are kept the more negative impact it has on rest . What’s the point of having standards in a workplace when there is clear favoritism. All of the favoritism with employees is allowing who can get away with bullshit and who’s not. Anyone with more than two brain cells can piece together that certain people on the team are getting special treatment when their behavior indicates that perhaps they should be getting written up, spoken too, or fired. It’s hard to respect superiors when they say one thing but does another. Or holds the standard for “Briana” and lowers it for “Nicole” . It kills team culture, leaving the good people on the team resentful on how management tolerates poor behavior and then companies wonder why people are quitting or leaving the job .

One of the supervisors would chit chat with cashiers too often and lets them slide with a lot. Why is she letting cashiers push over her. Why is ok for her to jump on register while 3 other scheduled cashiers are just standing around or bagging . Her as their superior she should tell them to hop on register when they see it starts getting busy. How hard is it to apologize to the customer you’re bagging for and opening up a register? Why is everyone so afraid to speak up and confront a situation head on instead of playing telephone or Mr nice guy. Or talk shit about them behind their back because they never do THEIR JOB instead of confronting the situation head on with said cashiers . She constantly stresses herself out knowing she has to be a boss but doesn’t wanna tarnish relationships she has with cashiers. You either step up and stand your ground, make sure your team is running smoothly or be friendly and let everyone run wild doing what they want because they know u won’t do anything.

Another supervisor in that place omg I could not stand her the amount of disgusting nasty comments about customers and belittlement of her team members she had and continues to make is beyond horrible. You have no idea how many times she spoke rudely about actual children and babies saying how ugly they are, how it’s a shame they’ll grow up to look ugly like their mother so on and so forth Or the time a cashier was helping a couple and she proceeds to say as they walk away “that bitch is fucking too ugly to be with him holy shit do you see her nose” What kind of disgusting insecure women speaks like that especially at her work establishment where she should be setting an example to her peers. I could go on and on and on with how horrible she is and how many disgusting comments she would make, and she would say it in Spanish right there knowing they won’t understand her. How about the time she went off on me because I told her I wanted to work for the juvenile probation because I want to help the youth & she belittled me and talked the upmost shit just because she has daughters as terrible as her that went to juvenile hall and acted with nasty attitudes but played victim to their mother. Someone with that nasty behavior should NOT be working customer service and especially not at Whole Foods.

I almost forgot to mention how I was getting sexually harassed by one of the old ass supervisors and other cashiers reported him because they noticed how uncomfortable I would get to the point where I would get bad anxiety knowing I was gonna have to work with him. He would repeatedly touch my arms or back making me so disgusting. Then whenever I mentioned to fellow cashiers I had a date and he overheard he would get so upset and complain the rest of his shift. This man is in his 60s and I’m 23 like WTH?? Higher ups never did anything. They got reports from everyone , including me but all that happened was he called out for a week and came back like nothing. He made me feel so gross , there is so much in leaving out but I don’t even want to think about it. I’m just glad I never have to see that man again.

Then there are these sisters that work there that I would considers Cinderella’s step sisters & it’s because of that ugly personality they carry and work ethics they have.

At first they will be all nice and sweet talk you in order for you to do all the work for them. They amount of times I’ve seen them get off track and walk around chit chatting to everyone or taking 10-20 min “404” . It’s dreadful knowing you’ll be scheduled with them because the moment you walk into that door they’ll be hopping off of the register. Wandering around or doing “go backs” to get lost in produce swooning over married men, disgusting. They will stand there and just flirt with these men , like why is everyone so fascinated by them?? Including the supervisors . They stay bagging at the registers and they just never want to hop on register unless it gets crazy busy or someone’s asking them to get someone out for a break. It’s so annoying seeing the lines start to form and they just keep bagging instead of opening up a lane. Last I heard Whole Foods Market does NOT hire courtesy clerks or baggers . So why are scheduled cashiers constantly off of the register doing other things. Bad employees should be disciplined or fired. There’s nothing worse than tolerating their bullshit behavior , many don’t wanna work with them , they never do the shit they’re supposed to and you can hardly rely on them because you know they’ll give you a stank attitude if you ask them to do anything . They’re unreliable to complete their duties and when you ask them to be responsible for their work ethic or behavior they start taking it as a personal attack & justifying it with every excuse imaginable and find a way to change the subject and kiss your ass . It’s a waste of money and company time even dealing with them. I’d rather have no job than have to work with them. They act like highschool mean girls with their little clique. Should I even have to mention how it throws me over the edge that they were both given and allowed beanies up front meanwhile when I saw they got one and asked I was denied both a hat and beanie when all the men cashiers have hats and the other female cashiers beanies Clear favoritism , I had been asking for weeks and it was always one thing after the other . Until they told me I wasn’t allowed to have one because they’re for other departments, then why did they get one????

I was just so over it all, I’m leaving so much out because trust and believe so much misconduct happened in that place and no one is doing anything about anything, drove me crazy.