My fiancé gambled away 20k 10 months before our wedding

My fiancé (29M) just told me (29F) this past weekend that over the course of a year, has gambled away about 20k.. and of that 20k, 4k was just given to us by his dad for our wedding, which is in 10 months. And this isn’t the first time, this is the second. We’ve been together for about 4 years now, and about 2 years ago, he lost 10k from gambling. This is, or was, idk anymore, the healthiest relationship I’ve ever had. I’ve never had to worry about him cheating or his loyalty, we talk things out in a healthy way, we are completely in love with each other. He’s my best friend. When he told me, I obviously broke down crying and gave him a little piece of my mind for lying to me for a year. That’s what I find the hardest to get over. Well, either that or the gambling away our wedding money. I’m trying to look at the debt like college debt, everyone has it. But our wedding money? He says he didn’t tell me for so long bc he thought he could win it all back. And then when he took the 4k from his dad, he told me a couple days later. I told him he has to make an appt with a financial advisor ASAP to figure out wtf to do. We were supposed to get married this year and buy a house next year. But his credit is going to be ruined and I am afraid of being linked to him financially and maritally. Obviously we can’t share a bank account. I’m feeling very lost, confused, hurt and betrayed. How do I move forward? How can I trust him? Can we rebuild? I love him so much and I want to forgive him. He said he knows this is his last chance but this time if he fucks up again it’s not just a break up, it’s a divorce. I can’t talk to anyone about this and I’m feeling really isolated. I’ll take aaall the advice, thanks!