Looking for 1st Car for Teenage Son
I’m looking for my 14 year old son’s first car. He’s worked very hard to already have money saved going into high school and also wants to help contribute. I am looking for a reliable car with lower miles (that can last a long time) around $5000-$7000. Ideally if it came with a backup camera that would be a bonus. Attached is a list of cars I’ve found and considered after doing some research. What are your thoughts on these?
I’m looking for my 14 year old son’s first car. He’s worked very hard to already have money saved going into high school and also wants to help contribute. I am looking for a reliable car with lower miles (that can last a long time) around $5000-$7000. Ideally if it came with a backup camera that would be a bonus. Attached is a list of cars I’ve found and considered after doing some research. What are your thoughts on these?