What dress style is best for me? 🥴

Hi! Looking for advice on what dress style best suits me.

I’m leaning towards #1 as it feels more like “me” and at the shop, it definitely was my favourite. I also feel like it’s pretty classic so less likely to change my mind in a year.

But I am second guessing myself a bit because I probably won’t ever get to wear a big pouffy dress like #2 or #3 ever again (and my mom said that #2 is her favourite). I haven’t tried on many other big dresses like this - I don’t know if I love the top of #2 as much as #1, and I’m leaning strapless rather than #3.

Also throwing in #4 as well as it’s a bit different from the others, and I am a bit self conscious about my posture in a strapless dress.

Basically, just wondering if I should stick with my initial choice of #1 or re-evaluate other styles?

Appreciate any feedback - it’s so hard to decide!!!!