Places in DC you fell in love?

I know, I know, dating here is atrocious. Right there with you, honestly. I thought it’d be a nice shift from the chronic woes to hear from the lucky folks out and see the city in a new light.

Inspired by a mate who pinpointed on a map when he ‘knew’ his now fiancée was the one. Walking after early date in Penn Quarter, waiting at this specific crosswalk, he just had a moment looking at her talk and realized how at peace he’d been.

My bus passes that corner and I’m like, hm, who’da thought. That got me thinking… there really ought to be everyday spots we just pass by that mean a whole lot to strangers.

Edit: Oh, y’all are in love love!? I love that. Please do keep ‘em coming, for winter nears and the trenches need hope. Sincerely though, reading these are delightful.