Seeking help for lighting this shot.

The lighting doesn’t have to be perfect by any means, these are just for client outreach videos. But I would like to work on my lighting in general, as I feel like it’s my weakest skillset currently. Any and all advice appreciated.

Using a book light with a diffuser panel to my right as the key, a literal desk lamp to my left as the fill, and a little rinkydinky LED panel designed for videoconferencing as the backlight/rim light.

Room has no windows so natural light isn’t an option unfortunately.

The lighting doesn’t have to be perfect by any means, these are just for client outreach videos. But I would like to work on my lighting in general, as I feel like it’s my weakest skillset currently. Any and all advice appreciated.

Using a book light with a diffuser panel to my right as the key, a literal desk lamp to my left as the fill, and a little rinkydinky LED panel designed for videoconferencing as the backlight/rim light.

Room has no windows so natural light isn’t an option unfortunately.