I have a lot of problems stemming varicoceles
My varicoceles have caused ED, discomfort, low confidence and los testosterone.
I’m in my 30s and I’ve had a varicocele for years(since my early 20s) The only option I was offered was surgery at the time and the doctors said the was the only option but I didn’t go through with it because I don’t trust going under the knife.
A few years ago I discovered the embolization procedure but only saw that doctors overseas could do it(Asia)
As of lately, I’ve found clinics in the US that offer the procedure (THANK GOD!!) and I’m searching for a doctor that will take my insurance so I can have an embolization done. I think I’ve felt some pain and discomfort that developed on the opposite side of my varicoceles lately also.. Plus I exercise a lot so I’m concerned about how it will affect my lifestyle.
Can the coils move for people who are physically active??
I would love to know if anyone has a similar story and any advice!!