taking BET460/430 in first year without any start up ambitions?

what should i expect in these courses?

is this a bad idea? how difficult is it? how timeconsuming is it? do i need to have start-up ideas? will i struggle a lot more here as a y1? i don’t have much interest in business and entrepreneurship so i’m worried i may struggle here.

i need a 300 level/400 level elective and most of the electives i can take are either already full, or they clash w my schedule.

also, in case ur curious: why am i in this situation as a first year: - i have enough level 1 & 2 elective credits from AP - i want to transfer programmes and i’m tryna maximise my chances of scoring well, so i’m not gonna take more ‘major’ courses as i don’t want more courses to be counted in the ‘major’ average for my transfer.

thank u!