Is there any SSBBW/USSBBW you've ever seen in public/knew that you think of from time-to-time? If so, why and what was it about them?
I'll go first:
A caretaker in my school was beautiful. She was ~5'6" and around 400-415lbs. She didn't even walk, she waddled. She had that slight rocking from side-to-side that SSBBWs have, and she walked really slow: a combination of her age (60 yrs) and her weight. What I covered in 10 seconds took her 20.
The best thing about her was her ass - she was sowide that when she went through doors, she was around 2-3 inches off scraping it. I measured the door with a ruler as 30 inches, so she was 27-28 inches wide. Once, she was vacuuming in the doorway, so I had to wait outside in the hallway for her to finish as she blocked it - she took some time to turn around due to the heftiness of her ass, and she was used to it as well...she was completely unapologetic about it lmao (which made me smile).
She must have been 76-80 inches going around. She had a mean ass shelf on her too. It must have gone back a forearms' length. Every time she took a step, her ass jiggled and it waved (mostly because of her shelf and weight). The asscheek on the leg she stepped with jiggled first, then the other one. It was so big and fat, it took time for her ass to react accordingly.
I used to talk to her a lot (short backstory: I struck up convo with her once - I got immediately drawn to her when I saw her and pretended I lost a pen in the room she was in..eventually we talked every day for a year straight in whatever classroom she was cleaning at the time: it was after school so only me and her in the entire corridor!).
One time, I was sitting in the classroom talking to her while she cleaned the tables. Her arms were short so she bent down to wipe them and her tits just drooped down. Despite her age, they weren't saggy but dropped cos of gravity with a tiny bit of sag. But because they were so big (probably a 40D) and because she wore a low-cut v-neck shirt, you could see her entire breasts, minus the nipple and the front. They were 2 inches off resting on the table. They stuck out in-front of her a good 5-6 inches when standing.
She wore one of those hard-fabric vests that caretakers in my country wear, and when she bent, the vest stretched and it had it was being pulled down by her breasts which made the vest look like a bag does when it stretches from heavy items in it.
I had to walk between two desk rows when I sat down and she came to clean that area, so when I walked past her, I had to completely stand upright otherwise I'd end up scraping up against her monster ass. I used to where a backpack so I'd either end up taking it off to go past without bumping into her, or shuffle past facing her. Many times I scraped up against her ass which was heavenly, and she seemed to not mind. Eventually, I understood the scale of her size so took my backpack off as soon as I was in the same room as her.
Her thighs and calves were the next best thing. Her thighs had one small slit of space between them. They were cellulite-y and slightly tapered in width compared to her ass, but there were just as deep (which was a big factor of her waddle). Then, at her knees, her two legs became distinct and that same size was kept to just before her ankle - her calves were chunky, cellulite-y and fatty (being slightly bigger than her knees at a certain area); her ankles weren't swollen, but fat overlapped them very slightly.
Her arms were great too, they were decently chunky and very spread out. Her upper arm was fat enough to hang down towards the elbow, and they were two times as wide as her forearm. They swung when she moved her arms - but despite her age, they were only slightly saggy, but still full nontheless.
And seeing her in her car was great. She drove a 2003 Suzuki Wagon R, which she literally dwarfed. From an outside angle (only a few times quite up close to her window), I saw how she was when sitting.
Her breasts sat on her belly (which I didn't realise it's size due to her ass and tits, but is rest assured HUGE) and even then spilt over slightly. Her belly bulged outward but more downward so it covered her torso which made her look like a blob. She was maybe 7 inches of scraping the steering wheel. Her fat boosted her height so her head wasn't too far off the roof of the car. I watched her get in once and the car height lowered by a full 6 inches and the car creaked and groaned. You could see the suspension genuinely struggling and her car sagging under the added weight.
She had a gap between her ass and the car seat because of her shelf. She just dealt with it by leaning forward, which helped her drive probably. However, her back fat was more blob-like (chunky) and spread outward and downard. and less consisting of folds and rolls, so that blocked the view of HOW wide the gap actually was. She spilt over quite a bit too, her thigh was easily over her seat, and was just over the cupholders and an inch from the handbrake. Because of her ass, her seat was reclined quite a bit that seemed like what a passenger would have. Her torso was easily may inches wider than the seat also, so at some angles, she blocked a high percentage of it.