Help Picking Offer
Short story is I have 2 offers (I've accepted both TJO), both as a Geologist at GS-9. Here's the key differences:
Offer A: Term position (2 year for now), USGS, more prestigious (3 days a month in field). Research based job (writing up technical reports and processing data mostly). Offer B: Perm position, BLM, more fun fieldwork (3 days a week in field). Regulatory job (would be out and about a lot looking at various things, but doing mostly regulatory work).
both A and B are in locations that I don't want to stay for more than 2 years, so I was advised to treat them both as temp. Is that really true? What benefits are there to being perm vs temp if I plan to apply to transfer to some other DOI job in a year?
Edit: Changed temp to term (didn't know difference)