I’m at my wits end

My hives started coming back after my last period . It’s weird because it always starts around my feet and then moves up gradually to thighs , hips and arms . It’s a bit different this time tho cause it started at the hips this time due to my underwear line irritating it. Then it showed up on my feet unless I wore loose socks . Right now tho it’s been the worst for 3 days , especially my hips and a little bit in my arms. What’s really irritating is that it gets better for a min and then starts again. I think it’s worse because I’m fighting bronchitis and it’s extra stress . I took 2 Zyrtec at 8 and then had a coughing fit 20 mins after that was so bad I threw up multiple times cause of the spasms . So I don’t even know if the Zyrtec is still in my system or if I should take more . It’s 2 am and I want to sleep so bad . I’m practically sleeping naked/ commando so there’s no pressure on my hip or the little small of my back by my butt that has one or two hives . If yall have any suggestions pls share , I don’t currently have an allergist , have not had allergy tests, but was diagnosed with PCOS recently so could be a connection there . At any rate since I’m not sleeping anyway I will wait til 6 and then take 3 Zyrtec ( yes I know a bad idea but I’ve done it before and been fine) and see if that helps