They need to be fired
Yall. Had to deal with (a very nice and understanding) customer today, one of my coworkers quoted them a box price without measuring the item, just looked at it and picked a box and gave her a price. The box would have been too small for the item itself much less the fragile pack that it needed. The price they gave them was half of what the actual box and packing would have been. They denied doing the quote when I first asked(they were 1 of 2 other people working the day of the initial quote) and then claimed that the customer must have given them the wrong measurement(security cameras showed the customer never gave them any measurements)
If this was a one time thing it would be different, but they habitually call out, are late, on their phone more than everyone else and all around just not a good worker. I know my manager is getting close to it, but when they’ve been combative with customers and is making everyone else miserable, I don’t know why they aren’t gone.
Thanks for the rant😁