tips for making friends on campus?

hey! this might be a little long, sorry— but i’m a little chronically online and looking for tips and tricks on meeting people and making friends here.

i’ve always been on the more introverted side, and i’ve struggled a lot with connecting with people naturally in offline spaces (i’m a veteran cosplayer who’s really only good at talking to people in-costume… go figure 🥹).

i’m in my junior year here, and i’ve still struggled to make a lot of friends. i just recently celebrated my birthday completely on my own & i think it really just hit me how lonely i’ve gotten. i wanted to know if there were any apps, regularly-meeting student orgs, student hot spots, or other methods you can swear by when it comes to making friends on campus?

i’m a little dweeby (video games and anime/manga… i play too many gacha games to be good for my mental, lol) but i don’t mind picking up other interests or hobbies to meet some people i might not otherwise! it’d probably do me some good— and if anyone else is in the same situation, i’d love to help us together!