When people say they don't like sex scenes, I assume they have poor taste and sexual insecurity.

In spite of some headway in gender and sexual politics over the last couple decades, I still hear over and over again that "sex scenes are unnecessary." Whenever I hear this, I assume you are American, only watch popular films, and avoid anything that challenges you or forces you to examine life in a sexual way. Even then, there are blockbuster films with important sex scenes as well, with "The Terminator" being one example.

Many great films, both new and old, have sex scenes that are integral to the story. Just a random few off the top of my head:

  • Y tu Mama Tambien
  • Don't Look Now
  • The Handmaiden
  • Persona (a graphic recount, not shown)
  • The Last Temptation of Christ
  • Brokeback Mountain
  • Do the Right Thing
  • Crash (1996)
  • The Fly (1986)

There are hundreds of other examples, but in each of these films, sex is fundamental to the characters, their lives, and the story that is being told, just as it is fundamental to the story of each of our lives.

I know many people are uncomfortable watching sex scenes with friends or family, or even alone, but have you ever thought that maybe the problem is not the art but the audience? I luckily had parents that were willing to watch anything with me, and talk about things afterwards. It really helped get better ideas of what was appropriate and what was wasn't when it comes to sex. But thinking that artists need to cut fundamental parts of our existence out of their stories because your parents did a poor job educating and demystifying sex for you is quite an ask wouldn't you say?

Sexual activity in America is already declining. Younger generations are having less sex than ever before, and more and more people are isolated and alone. To remove sex from movies would only push us further to a more sexless, uneducated world.

Before you say that sex scenes are unnecessary, please do two things:

  1. Think about your relationship with sex and examine the many sources of shame that surrounds it. It is a natural thing, that most humans desire as much as food and water. You should not feel shame because a movie has you aroused. Sex doesn't need to be pushed into tiny little corners of your life. It's a fundamental part of biological existence and it's about time our society rid ourselves of such puritanical ideas.
  2. Watch better movies and read better books. There are many that are crucial to the story, well-done, and also just really fucking hot.

Keep movies horny please. Some of us still think sex is good.


It seems I need to reiterate: the bad/unnecessary sex scenes you are watching, are likely due to you watching bad/unnecessary film & tv. Watch better things, people. Stop applying blanket rules to art because you have poor taste.

EDIT #2:

Should have included this in the original post, but this opinion does not apply to anyone who is a survivor of sexual abuse.