Digital art is nowhere near as difficult as traditional art.

I've always felt like digital art was cheating ngl. And I've felt bad for having this notion towards digital art that it is so much easier and simpler than traditional art that honestly it takes away from it's value and a bit of my opinion on the skills of the artist. It's so easy to just color drop, throw on a filter, use a brush for literally anything down from hair to clothes textures. I just don't value or appreciate a lot of digital art near as much as I do traditional. It is wayyy harder to not only do traditional art, but also be a traditional artist as a career trajectory. I definitely believe that there are digital artists out there who truly make beautiful art that should be appreciated for the work that it took. But even then that art will never be as difficult as it owuld be had that done it traditionally. There's not reverse, there's no take backsies, traditional art is the raw, unadulterated, and conplicated process of expression. I saw someone say that digital art is an oversimplification of art, and I think that's the best way to put it.

Side note: I've been so stuck in this belief that this is true that I actually got an ipad and drawing pencil a ysar ago and have been working on digital art alongside my traditional art for a year. And everything I believed about it was just confirmed for me. I see so many lame excuses of "erm actually, digital art is HARDER because you have to get used to a drawing tablet" which has got to be the stupidest argument ever because it is the same for EVERY medium, traditional or not. You have to get used to it.

Edit: I can't tell whether the comments validate my point or prove it's an unpopular opinion lmao.

Edit #2: wow this was awesome! Thank you everybody for sharing your thoughts, I've been absolutely delighted to see the discussions going on. I'm trying to get to everyone (minus the plain rude ones lol) but well...there are a lot of you. Again though, I think this is great and I'm really happy that I've gotten to see so many perspectives that I hadn't heard before.