Cuboid Syndrome

Has anyone dealt with Cuboid Syndrome. If you have what did you do to resolve this. I ran 6 Ultras this year 50k-100k and 3 weeks ago I felt this pain on outside of right foot. Clearly overuse. I don't think it's a fracture but haven't had an x-ray. I've had fractures before and this doesn't feel like it. Of course the next week I went and did a 12 mile technical mountain run and after that I realized this was worse than originally thought. Since then it's ride the bike, gym and yoga. Very little pressure on foot. I'm thinking of just resting till new year ( or until no pain ) and starting up again.

Anyone have any useful input other than rest, ice etc. Not that that is not useful but it's the obvious. Maybe others have had this and can share their recovery methods.
