This is Disclosure

We are right now probably experiencing disclosure. It's not a formal USG-run disclosure like calling a press conference, naming names, and showing photos but a piecemeal informal disclosure where the USG is probably surreptitiously behind it but not directly involved because they want plausible deniability.

 It runs like a psyop but it’s a carefully crafted operation where the formal government tells someone an Elizondo type to run the operation but keep us directly out of it. Have your whistleblowers blow and expose these incredible stories. But we won’t confirm them and will deny we have these things in our possession.

 I have no idea whether these increasingly bizarre tales from these whistleblowers are true but I remain skeptical.

 So, this still can be a psyop but it is clearly IMO a form of disclosure.

 Now many of these bizarre stories, Barber, this present Praying Mantis gentleman’s story are not much different from the bizarre UFO claims of the 80s and 90s’ with Paul Bennewitz’s alien invasion tales, Phill Shneider’s alien occupation and base claims, and many other abductions type contactee experiences enumerated by many people.

 Though they are more sophisticated stories or I would say upgraded or updated.