is this a safe space for SAI haters?
if you've seen my other posts in this sub, i've been a fan of top for ~12 years. the one and only era that they totally lost me on was scaled and icy. i mean they COMPLETELY lost me. i listened to the album ONCE, and the only song i liked and still know is redecorate. the SAl era is the ONLY tour since 2013 i didn't see them on, and the ONLY songs tyler's ever put out that i don't know any of the words to. i just saw a clip from the SAl livestream experience where he did the mutemath remix of stressed out and thought that was so cool, but i definitely missed it when it happened. i know zero SAl lore, zero things/performances they did during that era — all i know is pink hair tyler (love). i literally hate that album. it feels so fake. it feels like music you'd hear in a department store. i was convinced that the SAl album was the end of my obsession with top, and that's why when the Clancy lore came out that "SAl was a distraction" and tyler was "forced to perform for DEMA" i found it so satisfying and told myself tyler made up that lore to save himself from a shitty album LMAO. i'm wondering if there's anyone else out there that feels this way about SAl...