Vox AC30CC VVR and Lyle Mod .. need a little help

Hello community!

First of all, best wishes for this new year 2025.

So here it is, I’ve been a "rock" guitarist for over 30 years. I have always tinkered with my guitars, assembled several pedals, modified things and other things and even built a tube amp head (SuperLite II) always following very detailed diagrams because I am an electrician but not an electronics engineer.

After some time playing around with digital (HX stomp/effects) I’m returning to a purely analog sound because the slap is very real :D

So for a few months I’ve had a Vox AC30CC2X with which I’m preparing 2 modifications:

  1. Lyle Caldwell's mods that I hope I have correctly reported on the PDF diagram https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aJoIRLYrJEiYe8gBQjD9GOPPHv0t5qw5/view?usp=drive_link
  2. The installation of a VVR and this is where I am a bit stuck... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BAa5_lp2Tkr0exLMsKig5TaJUk_0_V_h/view?usp=drive_link

Would there be a good specialist in the field able to tell me if I’m right in the location of C100nf / R1M between the volume control and the grid of the tube that it feeds? (See attachment of the VVR2 file)

Thanking you
