How do you feel about Buck Angel?
I'm a bit conflicted about him to be honest. He's always been someone that I've known about vaguely, but never really watched his content because he's widely seem by a lot of the trans community as a conservative grifter with old timey beliefs (or so they say). I've been watching his YouTube videos, and I think he has a lot of good points.
He's really fought for the inclusion of transsexual to be a legitimate term again, which I stand by as a young transsexual man. He's also great at providing information about the dangers of medical transitioning, what hormone blockers hormones, and hysterectomies can do to your body that isn't widely known. He's done a lot for the trans community in the past.
However, his stance that he is a 'female who lives as a man' seems disingenuous to his status as a transsexual male. Sure, you can acknowledge biology - he was born female, but nothing about his body is female except his genitalia. it seems to perpetuate the idea that trans people choose to live a certain way, and it isn't biologically determined.
He's also agreed with a lot of conservative talking points, such as that trans kids don't exist/shouldn't be allowed to express themselves. I'm a firm believer that transsexualism is a medical condition from birth, and many children understand from a young age that they are of the opposite sex. Kids who consistently feel this way over a number of years, with help from parents and medical professionals, should be allowed to socially transition, and then pursue medical transition in their teenage years if they still feel the same way, with thorough medical examination and diagnosis.
Buck has said himself that he knew from a young age, and his parents allowed him to dress and act like a little boy -however now he is saying that kids shouldn't even be allowed to socially transition as he did. He also focuses a lot on the crazy outlier "trans" people that don't reflect the majority of the community, which seems to just be for engagement bait and conservative agreement. What do you think?