What's the point of having male models when most women don't find them attractive ?

Women aren't necessarily attracted to those typical model-esque looking guys that are out there . By model esque I mean guys with defined jawlines , high cheekbones , tall , hunter eyes kind of features .

Many women have very diverse tastes in men which don't really reflect what is represented to us in modelling and so . So many magazine covers fail (supposedly made for women) because the guys there look not as attractive to women as a whole. Whereas guys usually find a similar sets of features attractive in women hence magazine covers for men always sell out.

Also if you ask women IRL , so many women prefer the opposite of the above mentioned features , so this rigid criteria for male modelling has never made sense to me .

Many women like dad bods , softer jawlines , "prey eyes" and softer cheeks in men . So the male models end up looking like aliens as compared to what women really want .

So what's the point ?