The key to enjoying weed: Is it the ability to know when to stop thinking?

I used to smoke a lot in high school but I stopped because the results were just really inconsistent. Sometimes I'd have fun; other times I'd start thinking too much and go down a rabbit hole that ended up freaking me out.

I've always been an over thinker though. I'm always pressed to try and figure stuff out and dig for some kind of huge epiphany, even while sober.

I'm realizing that the people who have the most fun with weed are the people who are the opposite of me. If there is a single commonality between every stoner I know, it's that they're all really good at just shutting their brains off. They're not overthinkers. Not to say that they're unintelligent or anything. Just that they know when something isn't worth unpacking.


Would you say that the key to enjoying weed is the ability to turn your brain off and/or stop thinking so much?

I only ask because I'm considering getting back into smoking and I want to actually figure out how to make the best of it this time around.