My wife wants to go cheap; I don't. Any recommendations?

10 years ago, I was running 5k's four or five times a week. Today, I found out that I'm 25lbs heavier than John Candy was when he died and he was 3" taller than I am! How did it come to this?"

Well, I've decided to do something about it and am shopping for a 400lb capacity treadmill that will go into the garage. (Plenty of space, I frankly don't care of it folds or not.)

Doing the research has really discouraged me. I'm finding all kinds of stuff saying that there is no regulations concerning what weight capacities manufacturers can assign to their product and claims of a 400lb capacity are dubious at best.

I told my wife that we should shoot for a commercial grade treadmill but the $3k (or more) price tag has her looking at some of the cheaper ones at around $1k. I'm convinced that these "Sam's Club" treadmills are not going to hold up. I suspect all those "We compare the 10 best treadmills." sites are less than legit. (They seem like they just gathered a bunch of reviews from Amazon and made a list.)

I don't need bells and whistles, fancy programs, or subscriptions. I just want a good, heavy duty treadmill that can handle my enormity! I will be maxing out that 400lb capacity; at least for a little while.

Anybody have any suggestions or advice?

Update: Wow! I never expected so many responses to my post! A heartfelt thank you to everyone for all your advice and suggestions. I think I'm going to combine your responses by ruining Planet Fitness' treadmills for 50 - 75 lbs and then, using your suggestions, buy one for my garage. I'll keep you posted! (This is one of the most supportive subreddits I've ever come across! Thanks again!)