aunt asks me about foster kids, I shame her about her parenting instead

I work in an emergency group home for infants and toddlers. Now, I would never divulge the kids' information (even if it weren't illegal that's also a gross abuse of trust).

I have this one aunt who, every time we meet, keeps going on an on about how she couldn't do this job and how she hopes I'll always be strong enough mentally to take the burden and that already annoys me because these kids are wonderful, lovely and normal children. But she always asks about reasons the kids are there or what the bad things I see are.

Anyway, last time I saw her, she went on her spiel, and I said: "Yea, it is hard sometimes, you see so much neglect. Half of these children have rotten teeth".

Knowing full well her son, my little cousin, had to have a three hour surgery under full anesthesia because his mouth was full of cavities when he was four.

I hope she leaves the topic alone. I do not mind talking about my work or the child protection system (and it's many flaws) but don't ask me about my clients' personal, traumatic information just because you're curious.