Too sick for transplant?
A dear friend of mine is at very end stage liver failure living in the state of CA. He needs a transplant to survive and is currently in hospice from my understanding. Couple of questions:
He felt like he wasn’t on the transplant list anymore because he connects with a hospice nurse at the assisted living facility he’s at. Is that how it works? It seems like people would get really really sick before they get a transplant, so they would go on hospice potentially in case they didn’t make it. But I would imagine if a liver comes along, they could go out of hospice and do the surgery, no?
Is it possible just to be too sick to get a transplant? He needs assistance doing every day things at this point and has lost a lot of muscle mass, and is quite weak.
Thanks for reading. Any information or advice you guys have, would be appreciated. My friend is 38 years old with two children and I’m absolutely gutted this is happening. It’s difficult to understand exactly what’s going on sometimes.