An Inclusive Warhammer Poll (with a reward)

Hello fellow fans of Warhammer!

With the hype train having rolled out of the station on it's way to the Eastern Front Kislev, I've really had the itch to get back into WH2. But instead of playing the same old races over and over again, I thought it would be fun to create an all inclusive poll for us to take as a community!

So Time for a Census!

Here is the link for the extensive Warhammer poll/survey I created on Google Forms.
I would love it if you all could vote, I'll let it run for 7-10 days and then share the results.

But the essence of the poll is 1. Who's the most popular Warhammer Race in terms of Legendary Lord and campaign mechanics. Then questions 2-16 are all who is the best legendary lord for campaign, in terms of the mechanics, the play-throughs, and the overall feel.

As an incentive, every 1000 upvotes this gets, I'll create another post where I'll enter all those who comment into a raffle and I'll buy those winners the next Warhammer 2 DLC.
(but I'll cap it at $100 worth b/c I am not loaded, unfortunately)

Hope ya'll participate!

Edit: so far, only the Beastmen are the only one with the Legendary Lord: “I don’t play this” as the most popular pick 😂 of this isn’t equal parts funny and sad, idk what else is

Edit 2: If you’re seeing Wulfrik and Wolfrik... it’s not a typo rather me leaking the next LL (obvi /s) what really happened is I fixed a spelling error. But fear not I’ll just roll their totals together

Edit 3: yes I’m in the book of grudges thank you for constantly reminding me... I forgot to add them initially lol and then I spelled them incorrectly correct. I do apologize but I do know that won’t “right the grudges”

Edit 4: thanks for all the awards everyone! Anyone notice that the Hugz award is a bear... does that mean... Kislev confirmed?!?!

Edit 5 (lol): I’d really like to get 700 more inputs on the survey this way we can get to the cool 10,000 mark thanks 😁

Edit 6: the Beastmen are so unloved and we are so popular the poll got published in PC Games

Edit 7: ItalianSpartacus was awesome and covered the data!

(Final) Edit 8:The give away has been complete! Congrats to u/jdcodring , u/NotUpInHurr , and u/Scarablob