Anyone else’s 3 year old have zero interest in bikes/scooters/etc.?

It feels like everyone is getting their kid a bike or scooter of some sort for Christmas and I kind of feel like a failure because we’re not. My daughter has a balance bike and scooter that she’s outgrowing but she has zero interest. It’s not like she’s scared, she just doesn’t find it fun. She loves walking and will hike up mountains with us. She’s in dance(which she’s observed with) and has expressed interest in starting ice skating and snowboarding this winter so it’s not like she doesn’t do anything active. Is a bike something I should be encouraging? Like is it super important for development? I know this might sound like a silly question but riding a bike has always just seemed like a normal part/milestone of every toddler’s life so idk how to navigate my toddler’s complete boredom and indifference towards