9+ voice line discount.

I read about this a few times. Does it still exist? If so, how would it impact my account by what’s listed below if I added another BOGO voice line:

Go 5G Plus. Have been with Tmobile for over 7 years and have had insider discount the entire time.

I currently have the below:

8 voice lines: 4 paid, 4 free (4 of the 8 voice lines are part of a BOGO) - $176

1 Home Internet - $35 (no auto pay discount)

1 30gb data line - $10

10 total lines

Total monthly currently paid $221

If the 9+ line discount exists and I were to add another BOGO what would my bill be? I have the total below with another BOGO added, but not sure how any extra discount would work for 9+ lines if it still exists.

New Bill before any additional discounts:

$221 – Current

+$33 for BOGO lines (would’ve been $28 if auto pay discount extended past 8 lines)

$254 for 10 voice lines (5 paid, 5 free), 1 30GB Data line, and 1 Home internet.