Please help I’m so scared

I got tinnitus from using an angle grinder against some concrete for around 3 hours. My dumbass didn’t leave to get ear protection because I needed money. That the part that hurts the most that I did this to myself through my own stupidity.

My ears were hurting really bad and doc said I had fluid in my ears and that I should take my allergy meds. I have done so despite few allergy symptoms before and the pressure/pain in my ears has subsided significantly but my ears are still ringing and that is scaring me so much. Granted it has only been 6 days since the incident I am still so so afraid. I’m a 21 year old male I don’t want to live with this for the rest of my life, as a reminder of my stupidity.

I don’t know what to do, first couple days I was just dealing with it hoping it would go away but today and yesterday I’ve been completely distraught, I don’t think I’ve ever cried this much in not really much of a crier but for some reason this is bringing it out of me. I have a referral on its way to a specialist hopefully I can be there sooner rather than later.

I’m aware it’s not the end of the world but it makes me so sad that I have permanently damaged my body over like 70$ probably. Not even it would have been like a 10$ loss to go home and come back with hearing protection.

Should I take ibuprofen or something?

Update: just came back from ENT, they said my hearing itself is fine and that I’ve avoided major acoustic trauma. That I should avoid loud noises for 2 months and the tinnitus should go away eventually. I felt relieved but at the same time remembered all your comments. So I asked if there were any steroids they could give me. Doc said I’d be crawling up the walls if he did give me them but he still could because it’s still just been 6 days. I told him this beeping got me crawling up the walls and he gave me a prescription and to avoid alcohol and tonic water. I’m very excited though I got hope in these steroids and the fact that I somehow still avoided major acoustic damage is huge at least to me, that means my chances are looking good. That being said the mf doctor didn’t even look at my ears I’m pretty sure so I’m keeping my other doctors appointments in the coming week and ima ask all of them to check them thangs for fluid.

Thank you all of you, you guys are amazing if it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t have known to ask for the steroids. My hopes are up I hope yall can give me further advice and Info based on this update. Take care all of you.