TIFU by speeding through a speed camera over multiple days
It wasn’t today, it was over multiple days but my route to work takes me past a speed camera which has never worked - until now.
Over the last week or so I’ve had 8 letters saying I’m speeding and to confirm it was me driving, which unfortunately it was. They are all high 30s or low 40s in a 30 limit. Obviously I slowed down when I got the first one but they took 2 weeks to come so I seem to have accumulated a few before I realised the camera was working.
Each ticket is presumably 3 points - in the UK 12 points gets me banned from driving which I need for work so may well lose my job. Trying to decide whether to tell work now or when it gets to court.
I know it’s my own fault and angry with myself but surely some warning first…..
TL;DR - previously inactive speed camera kicks into action to destroy my life