Struggling with the book, does it get better?

Edit: thank you all for the encouragement! I am already on volume 2 and enjoying immensely. I will stay away from the sub to avoid spoilers even though I’m burning with curiosity lol. Can’t wait to go through this journey <3

Lol of course it does, I know.

I finished Mo Dao Zu Shi last week now I’m reading this series. I know it’s 8 books long (the English translation at least), and I’m at the part where they go to Banyue to get the antidote/fern for the snake scorpion bite. I’m invested but at the same time I’m having trouble connecting with the characters. With MDZS I instantly felt like I knew the characters, here the storytelling feels a little vague as if at any moment the characters will disappear and another story will start. I don’t know if I’m making sense? When did you get hooked on the story?