What's the deal with "The View" and Liz Cheney?
Without anyone being ultra defensive, I'd like to focus on this topic. A question I have for my fellow The View lovers out there:
"Is there a reason that The View continues to reference and frame Liz Cheney as a "good Republican" on the show merely because she supports VP Harris?"
As a Republican myself, they were heavily criticized by the Democrats throughout most of his two terms under Bush Jr. administration. Mainly for their foreign policy positions and the excessive use of military in the Middle East.
Her and her father were accused of being a warmonger especially with the hunt on WMDs and The War on Terror. Many servicemen/women died because of that. She was working under the very same Bush Jr. administration.
So why does The View strategically continue to remind and promote her on the show? Knowing the history and positions of the two contradicting most of what most left-leaning viewer's positions are? I don't see how that's an attractive proposition to promote VP Harris. As all the hosts are attempting to be "cheerleading" for VP Harris on-air.
While I understand these segments won't sway votes, I don't see the value in her being on the show either.
That's my view at least. Thanks for reading. Thoughts?
Update: I'd like to thank everyone who have shared their thoughts or are about to! Much appreciated! It's great to get some insight from viewers.