Can you help me take down Ghetto gaggers and get its operators under investigation? Wouldn't that be the funniest end to the Matty Healy saga?
Seriously, the websites are fucking horrible.
A couple of years ago, [Paul Mulholland wrote an article on Medium]( detailing extremely violent abuse and racially targeted rape of young women at "Ghetto Gaggers", "FacialAbuse", (abusive porn sites under parent company D&E Media headquartered in NJ and owned by a man named Donald Emil Friedland Vollenweider) was published on Medium.
I'll quote some passages:
>It is not uncommon at all for the women to vomit repeatedly as a consequence of being gagged with a penis. And in more recent years, it is even encouraged and expected, to an extent that it is unusual when the woman does not vomit. As confirmed by one former model, female models are fed protein shakes or other food prior to filming to ensure repeated vomiting.
>At the end, a dog bowl filled with the vomit and urine that resulted from the scene is poured on the model’s head.
>Anna says that that they did a pre-shoot interview in which they discussed her “do’s and don’ts” or the sex acts she is OK with and those she is not. Despite this interview taking place, she says "then when the video started, they didn’t care about anything that I had to say in the consent video. They did not give a shit. They pretty much do everything I said no to."
>Rae explained that “they don’t tell you anything realistically about what you’re getting yourself into beforehand”, “they didn’t tell me anything about the scene or what was expected of me or anything” and “I didn’t know at all that it was going to be that aggressive.”
>She added “I never even knew that it was called Facial Abuse” and “There was NEVER, there was NEVER a point in time that they even mentioned the name of the studio to me.” (Emphasis original)
>Rae explained to me that she was addicted to heroin at the time of the shoot, and was suffering from withdrawal symptoms when she arrived in New York. She said that the director of the scene, who goes by the stage name Jimmy Hooligan (I have been unable to confirm his legal name with certainty), purchased heroin for her in New York. She says she witnessed the sale herself and that Hooligan understood that she would be using the heroin later that day.
When you google this company however, **not one single news story that has been published by any outlet comes up**. Just like Hannibal Burress ended up being the final domino to fall against Bill Cosby, we shitposters can get this abusive studio shut down.
I spent a lot of time today down a mulldog-like manic obsession-driven rabbit hole reading about what these women are being put through, theres so much evidence of sex trafficking and rape and violence and racism and yet nothing happens.
Here is a public listing for the business: [\](
The listing cites the beneficial owner of the company is Donald Emil "Duke Skywalker" Vollenweider. The registered agent is Edward Silhanek. The main star is David Brian Horter.
I reported this to the East Orange NJ police dept because that is where they are headquartered:
360 Glenwood Ave Ste 6B East Orange, NJ 07017
The East Orange NJ tip line is: **973-266-5041**
They have an alternate address:
112 Surrey Road South Plainfield NJ 07080
The South Plainfield tip line is: **908-226-7675**
**Please, if you have a minute, call the line (or the NJ local media, or an NJ congressman) and report this abuse/sex trafficking. This story at least needs to be reported by a major outlet. If you have any connections to the media/journalism, please pass this over to them. This is a situation in which oppressed victims are going unheard. The evidence is literally in front of our eyes in numerous videos online, publicly, and they are just laughing about it in front of us.**
P.S. I tried posting this on more relevant subs like the feminism ones but they both immediately took my post down lel
# List of information/resources about D&E Media
FYI D&E Media is the parent company to all these abusive websites.
* [Paul Mulholland's article]( Included it in the beginning, re-including it here.
* Interview with
* (podcast episode in which he discusses his article/2-year investigation)
* [Exodus Cry]( article, shorter in length and cites a lot of the first article.
* [Felicity Feline (adult star) details her abusive experience with D&E Media](
* Quoting the description: "Videos criticizing this company have an odd way of disappearing from the internet after a little while so backing this one up for posterity".
* [Felicity Feline podcast episode](\_s0mJwc) detailing her rape/abuse she suffered on the set
* [It's time for the white supremacist studio D&E media aka GhettoGaggers aka Duke Dollars to close]( \- 10 min YT video
* [Trove of some documents and evidence, compiled in Internet Archive](\_angel\_s)
* [Interview with D&E Founder/Owner, Donald Emil Vollenweider]( \- He plays the buffoon/troll to a major degree, but still if you can stomach it he basically admits and laughs about abusing and exploiting young WOC.
* [ petition to remove the site](