Worried about potential mosaic triploidy vs full triploidy
I had my 20 week ultrasound last Tuesday night where severe issues were found and I was sent to a better hospital to get opinion from MFM, genetic counselor and an amnio. Triploidy was confirmed from amnio but the full karyotype didn't come back yet so I don't know if it is mosaic or not. The MFM told me he is usually optimistic and when people are on the fence to terminate or not, he sometimes convinces them not to because he's "sorta pro-life like that." He said with my case, though, the decision to terminate is obvious. My baby has severe fluid levels in her brain, kidney problems, heart problems, a head measuring 22 weeks with a body measuring 16 weeks, and more stuff that I honestly can't remember at this moment. He said it's one of the more severe cases he has seen. He was so sweet, seemed so smart, and I know I should trust his opinion. But of course I can't help googling everything and came across some children living with triploidy but of the mosaic variety meaning not all of their cells are triploid. I know that the chances of my baby surviving past birth are extremely slim but I'm so panicked that I won't be able to live with myself if it's mosaic and I didn't give her a chance. But I won't even find that out for another 7-14 days and if I do terminate which realistically I probably will, I don't want to be even further along. Uhg this whole decision making aspect of this sort of pregnancy loss is the worst part of it. I don't want to forever wonder what could have been but I also want to make the choice that's best for my baby and myself. If anyone has been in this position I'd be so grateful for any words of wisdom. Thanks in advance <3