am i in love with my best friend???

okay so me (15f, lesbian) and my best friend (14f, lesbian) are super close right? we're very clearly codependent but that's not the point, the way i'm behaving has been weird lately and even i have noticed it.

i've been having mood swings a lot lately which hasn't happened since i was 12 or 13, but it usually only gets triggered if i see them hanging out with/getting texts from other people but mostly their talking stage.

i feel a constant need to hang out with them/have their attention because if i don't i get upset and feel extremely lonely, jealous, and sad.

if i were to try and distance myself from them/our friendship it'd be extremely noticeable to everyone around us, we have sleepovers at least 3-5 days a week because we both have very free schedules and don't rlly have other friends.

i dont know how or why i'd feel this way, i have a girlfriend and like i said earlier they're in a talking stage with someone else, but idk