TW: mental health

How do I tell what is wrong with me? Or if there even is something wrong with me, my parents say I am fine and just need rest, but I've tried having a routine, eating well, and keeping a clean room, but the feeling comes back. when I try to clean it doesn't go well. I get overwhelmed, or I don't have the energy to start.

School sucks, I feel like nobody likes me at all, whenever I am in public, especially at school I feel very paranoid like people are looking at me or talking about me, I am pretty sure people just put up with me, or are using me for answers. I have a hard time concentrating, and I always have some type of worry or something in the back of my mind, and I feel like every noise around me is super loud, so the inside and outside sounds mix and cause a very difficult school environment.

Also I am hoping to quite using any social media except for talking to my friend, because I see tons of sh posts that really bother me and make me tempted to cut, I have been clean for a bit but the posts don't help.

I also wonder if I am hypersexual. I feel super guilty, and nasty and Idk why but I have been doing that kind of stuff to myself since I was little. Not sure why I did , but I remember doing self pleasure in my earliest memories, and I would imagine a very disturbing thing, that I'm not sure if I feel like describing it....

I feel like I don't eat, sleep, drink, or exercise enough and I am not sure how to fix it when I have school. I have headaches and stomach aches/ stomach pains several times a day, I feel light headed at times, dizzy, random swoosh sounds in my ears, etc.

So yeah any recommendations on what to do with my life, or why j do some of the things I do?