In all seriousness…

If you American, you will have heard what has happened. If you are not, Trump has just won the presidential election.

This means that our next president is a racist, rapist, and egotistical narcissist. He’s only looking for his own gain and does not care about the rest of us. He’s a convicted felon, and he is now going to run our country.

Trump is also discussing pulling out of the largest military organization in the world, changing the global balance of power. He has also emphasized his relationships with the two leaders of the largest DICTATORSHIPS on the planet, when our country has been founded on democracy.

You can disagree and yell at me, but this needed to be said to everyone, and please spread this so people know how it will affect the world.

Thank you

Edit: Yes, he also wants to take away the reproductive rights of women and rights of immigrants, which America was BUILT OFF OF

Edit 2: Yes, Marxism was the wrong term, I meant something else. More like dictatorships, I’m sorry. I do know what Marxism is but just said it wrong. Changes the post