Controversy on ibuprofen before tattoo appt
So, I see a lot of mixed opinions and info regarding taking ibuprofen before a tattoo, because it’s a blood thinner. For my last tattoo session, which was a thigh piece that took about 6 hours, I asked my artist before my appt if I could take ibuprofen because I unfortunately got my period the day before and have killer cramps. She said it would be no issue - she’s also a very reputable artist, I have multiple tattoos by her that have all healed beautifully. I did bleed a tiny bit, but I always bleed, even when I haven’t taken ibuprofen. Anyways, I have an appt for my sternum tomorrow (wish me luck, lmao) and my period should be coming anytime now. I don’t know why I have such bad luck with timing like this, but I was considering taking some before my appt just in case because I don’t want my cramps to kick in. Should I text my tattoo artist beforehand? This is my first time with this artist. I almost feel like I don’t need to considering I’ve done it before and it seemed to make zero difference, but I also want to be respectful and want to make sure there won’t be any issues for him while tattooing. I’m also just curious in general now, since I see lots of people saying to not take it, and just as many saying that they do it all the time no problem. Thanks in advance for your input! (: