Thoughts about the doc

I recently got into the Nobody Should Believe Me podcast. I listened to seasons 1, 2, & 4. Just finished the TCOM doc on Netflix and will start listening to season 3 of NSBM as it coincides with the doc. Below are some of my takeaways from just the doc.

With regard to Maya’s CRPS, the language used is very pointed. ( I think that’s the right word) It was mentioned how Maya could relapse any day, and everyday is different. I have a back issue and for me, everyday is different. Some days the pain isn’t bad and I can do a lot, other days the pain is more intense and I have to take it easy. I also know that if life is particularly stressful, the pain flares up. When someone is sick, vulnerable, or under stress, any type of ailment or mental health issue can get more intense. It’s interesting how none of this is mentioned when Maya was in an understandable stressful situation. Not being able to see their mom or after a hurricane are two examples.

With regard to the trial being pushed, 2021/2022 still had Covid restrictions and protocols. Lots of trials were being pushed or on hold. Could it have been a tactic from the defence team? Absolutely. However, again at the time lots of things including trials were in the waiting area. Anything that has to do with legal can be a long process by itself, and adding Covid was another factor. It’s something not mentioned by the people who were on the family’s side.

I can see how showing things such as, Beata’s documentation, talking about Cathi being accused of child abuse, the other accused parents, and the text between the dr and Sally after Beata’s death worked in the family’s favour.

Mentioning all Beata’s research could work in both sides. Side a- Beata was researching cause she has the factitious disorder and is medically abusing her child. Side b- Beata was researching cause she was a worried parent.

It showing the one lady saying something about parents should be the ones diagnosing their kids didn’t work for the family’s side. Also the recording of the parent advocate telling Beata to convince everyone you’re doing what they say, so you get Maya back, and then never going back to that hospital, also didn’t work for the family’s side.

Anyway, those are my takeaways and I look forward to listening to season 3. Thanks for reading