r/place progress updates
Current objective/update:
We're protected by the r/HongKongPlace bot network! Refer to here if you want to join: https://github.com/HongKongPlace/Bot
We also have a heart with Yume Nikki!!
High res pics of what we have (02:30 GMT +8):
We've given up on the big Taipei 101 right now, we'll work out something with the French later.
Original post:
We've claimed a flag on r/place! Our co-ordinates are (940, 542) - (978, 567)
We're co-ordinating our efforts in this discord server, if you're helping with the flag I'd encourage you to join it! https://discord.gg/8xSQKCHSnT
Our current design: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTh40_kF7RYgKif5KFES1w8viXAegPV9jtsxm3Q6XiokpsDk1U5Grl9GzQx-FstFJDBpmAerA9fIe9Z/pubhtml
The most updated design will be on the google sheets!
Links to locations:
Flag of Taiwan: https://www.reddit.com/r/place/?cx=941&cy=543&px=6
ROC heart: https://www.reddit.com/r/place/?cx=684&cy=162&px=10
Taiwanese independence heart: https://www.reddit.com/r/place/?cx=693&cy=163&px=5
Update 1: We did it!!!
We're trying to coordinate some hearts in the hearts chain now:
Update 2: We got the hearts as well!!
Update 3:
r/Nigeria wanted our original Taiwanese Independence heart, we've agreed to let them have it and move to the heart left of the ROC heart for the Taiwanese Independence heart
Update 4: We got the hearts back!!
Update 5: We're adding boba tea and Taiwan/Brazil flag!!
Update 6: We made the Taiwan/Brazil happen!!! We're tryign to make the boba happen now.
Update 8:
On the boba, don't worry about it anymore for now. We have advances from r/chmk trying to change the flag's text from "Taiwan" to "Chiwan" or "ROCwan" and trying to write a "中"in the middle of the flag. Thus, we shouldn't try to do anything right now with the flag, and defend it as is.
We've worked out a deal with r/Korea_Place and the Tunisian community to make the ROC flag left of the Korean flag a Tunisian flag, and instead opted to have the hearts around the borders to be our hearts.
Here's what our hearts will look like:
Update 9:
We just got a lot more real estate on r/place!! We're looking to establish a flag of the World Taiwanese Congress beside Ireland!
The plan:
The location: https://www.reddit.com/r/place/?cx=1207&cy=136&px=77
Update 10: We did it!! Thannks to our allies at r/Czech and r/Ireland, we've established a little heart there as well!
Update 11: We have Taipei 101!! Let's push for the boba!!
Update 12: We got the boba down!! We'll be working on the ROC next
Update 13: We're working to put down countries of our allies here (both irl and in r/place):
See current objective for the end goal
Update 14:
We added a "#1" to the flag!! And a Taipei 101!!
Update 14.5:
We're making a Taipei 101 at around (1212, 1212)!!! This is our most ambitious project yet, so we need all the help we can get!! PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE AN ALLIANCE WITH THE TITANS, GO AROUND THEIR ART.
Reference sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSwiAjcUNIBrwJDAMvo3EvZULyBTD9rTlBCEgf7dR1R4c9L78N860DIZAhtDtJE7Gq6xEgqsR5iti7g/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true
Update 15:
The 777 people have betrayed our trust and is currently attacking us. We're working on rebuilding and establishing peace.
We're also still going to try for the Taipei 101, but it'll be very difficult.
Update 16:
SORRY THE IMAGES BROKE. Here's our latest pics:
We've given this flag to Mongolia!!
For Taipei 101,
- Move it over to the right a bit
- We have an alliance with the Titans, so don't go into their art.
Update 17:
Our current areas:
Update 18?:
We have a heart with Yume Nikki!