Why do people have such divided opinions on certifications vs. degrees?
I’ve noticed that people tend to fall into three distinct camps when it comes to certifications and degrees:
- The "Certifications are useless" crowd: These are the folks who think certifications only exist to pad resumes and don't prove real-world skills. Maybe they've seen too many people with certs who can't apply what they learned? Or they feel certifications are just cash grabs from tech companies?
- The "Degrees are the only thing that matter" crowd: Then there are people who swear by degrees, even if their degree is outdated. They believe the rigor and broad knowledge base a degree provides outweighs the specialized nature of certs.
- The "Why not both?" crowd: And finally, there’s the group that values both. They see certifications as a way to stay current and practical, while degrees provide a strong foundation and credibility.
I’m curious—what drives people to pick a side here? Are certifications too focused or too easy to obtain? Are degrees seen as prestigious, even if they don’t always reflect what’s happening in the real world? Or is it just personal preference based on experience?
I’m asking because I’ve seen all three perspectives, and I’m trying to make sense of the pros and cons of each approach. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Edit: I have seen lot of people who discredit the amount of preparation towards earning a cert. It takes a lot of work and preparation.
Is self taught same as self learning towards a certs?
Do certs keep you up to date by their annual recertification requirements? How can a college degree force you to keep yourself up to date?
Great point of views everyone!