Cisco UCS alternatives
We are potentially looking at moving off of our Cisco UCS blades (b200 series) at some point due to cost. We actually like the setup, but the cost is getting too high.
We currently have have UCS domains in two different locations with 2-3 chassis full of blades (8-14 blades running ESXi (for now)). Each blade is dual socket and 32-64+ cores, 256-768GB memory. Local storage is only a small mirror of SSDs for the local host OS install.
We quite like the ability to manage all of the servers as a whole from UCS Manager, as well as the ability to not have to 8+ physical network cables to each server through the use of the VIC1300/1400s the blades use. This seems the be the main issue with loading up on normal rack servers, unless there is a better way to do it?
Are there any good alternatives? We looked at the Dell MX7000 platform but see it goes EOL next year, and they dont have a replacement.
Appreciate it!