Any other boy (or any non-binary) fans here?

I'm a trans guy, and for ages I denied my identity because I liked "girly" things, which turned out to actually be almost exclusively animals and Sylvanian Families (obviously toys and interests shouldn't have genders in the first place, but still, try telling kid me that). In my country they used to be advertised as fairly gender-neutral but are now typically shelved in "pink" aisles and stuff thanks to Epoch repackaging them and some of the newer set themes.

As a consequence, I feel rather alone now, especially as I don't know any other guys IRL that like them (barely any that know of them) besides my toddler cousins who just like the vehicles and got access to my collection when I ran out of room and started storing them at my nana's house. The only one that's theirs exclusively is the most recent nursery bus I bought them last Christmas because they aren't allowed to use the older buses we own much due to too many brittle parts that snap. Additionally, not so much here but on Instagram and stuff, people are always casually referring to fans with feminine or girl terms.

I dunno. It's silly. Gender doesn't matter this much. I just feel a bit alone right now.