It took me months to finally realize and admit to myself that my ex cheated on me

We broke up back in February because I saw that he texted his female friend in an affectionate way back in January when we argued because he lied to me. He was in the wrong by lying to me, but he was mad at me for some reason and shittalked about me to her while speaking affectionately with her.

Although I was the one that wanted to break up with him, I was desperate to have him back into my life. So, we kept talking for the entire 3 months while we were broken up, and he also continued being friends with her, saying that I have nothing to worry about between him and her. That genuinely made me think he did nothing wrong. 'If he really felt guilty of what he did, he probably would've hidden his interactions with her' - was my thought process. While we were broken up, I saw that he left flirtatious emojis on her Instagram post which definitely made me think they had something going on after we broke up. When we got back together in May, he told me that he cut her off because she confessed to him and didn't want to sabotage our relationship. At first, I was super happy and everything was great and I genuinely thought he had changed... because he made compromises such as 'blocking that ex-female friend' and 'not hanging out with female friends one-on-one.' But a few months later he started his pattern of flirting and entertaining other women all over again. I ended up breaking up with him again because he made me lonely and didn't provide the love I needed.

Although it's been 6 weeks since we broke up, it's only been 2 weeks of no contact and my brain is starting to clear up and realize that what he has done back in February was clearly cheating. Emotional cheating is still cheating, and to be honest it's way worse in my opinion. I have been gaslit the entire time because he was telling me he's just a social person with both men and women and that the way he speaks is not flirting. Back in February, when I told him he emotionally cheated on me, he literally told me 'I didn't know that was a thing' and brushed it off. So, I thought it wasn't a big deal either and didn't find it as cheating. I just thought it was me having extreme jealousy issues. Well, the truth is he didn't stop talking to her after we broke up because he simply didn't have enough empathy and guilt to feel what he did was wrong. He cheated on me and that's the truth.

He's been going to church recently to become more religious... and I am wondering if that will make him ever see his wrongdoings and give me a genuine apology one day. Because he never did. His apologies were all backhanded or insincere. I really wish that I could just get a genuine apology from him one day, and that's all that matters to me at this point.