Alata is just a silly guy

I recently started watching Goseiger and I'm 12 episode in now. And I still don't get why the show and Alata seemed to be so disliked.

I mean, it definitely falls more into "Average" but I don't think it's that bad, and imo it has very unique things going on for it so far. I like the fact they are two of two and Red is not Fire. And how their personallities reflect their elements very well. And I found it interesting the Main Boss appeared so early based on how the question on "Why Powerfull Bad Guy don't go themselves instead of keep sending soldiers", I mean, maybe it has happen before, but from the shows I've watch is the first time I see it. The Monster Suits also look cool.

I've read people found the Acting not so good, but for me it Feels more like a Direction Issue than the actors themselves, you know? Like it can be very messy with the Pacing and Acting at times, sometimes being solid enough and others falling apart a bit. So it does strike me as Direction Issue. But I'm no expert.

Is also true that Alata has a lot of focus, but the others do have their little moments. Though I Honestly don't care much, lol. I think Alata is adorable. But that can be just me having a weakness for Soft Boys, as I Really liked other Reds like Yamato, Juuru and Takeru (Yes, I count Takeru because his attitude was always a mask and at his core he is actually a lil' Akward genuinly Nice Dude)

Idk, maybe my opinion Will change later since I haven't reach the Middle of the Show yet, but Alata is baby boy. He may technically be 21 but he looks so Young, I want to take care of him or something haha.

Anyway, I just wanted to talk a bit about my experience with the ahow so far.