My friend is impossibly bad at league of legends

She started playing league on bot games and grinded up to level 20, once me and a few other friends started playing with her, we instantly told her to stop playing bot games and just play norms. She was doing bad in norms, but that was understandable, she was just out of bot games after all. A few hundred games of norms pass and nothing had changed at all. She never reads any of her abilities, uses any of her summoner spells (unless its heal or barrier), has extremely bad decision making skills (literally stood in fountain for a minute and a half because she was deciding on what item to get), etc. Now don't get me wrong, me and my other friends have tried helping her out and telling her what to do, like her actually using abilities and reading what abilities do as well as telling her the ability paths, but nothing has worked. After the game or even during the game she'll start evenly maxing abilities, refusing to read what the abilities do despite saying ok when we tell her to. This is when we gave her the annie treatment, but even that didn't seem to work. We gave her an hour long ls video to watch, but literally nothing had changed, she still inted every game. By now we decided maybe it'd be better for her to play support, but that wasn't good for her either up to the point where we just told her to play yuumi. It was like playing 2 different games at the same time, if we didn't tell her what she was supposed to do, she wouldn't do anything at all, literally just ctrl 3ing on the adc until he dies. We had to tell her to q exactly at the time she needed to q or to e at exactly the time needed all while playing our own game. I'm the only person among the people we usually queue with that still enjoys playing with her and I don't exactly want to give up hope on her yet, despite how dim her light with this game is (she called yuumi q hard to hit) . Is there anything that could help her get better at League or is it just not for her.

TLDR: My friend just doesn't learn and I don't know how to help her